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Getting to know KPIs

KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a business management technique that facilitates the sharing of the company’s information to its employees in a dynamic way. This way, all employees of various hierarchical levels are involved in the mission to achieve the strategic targets set by the company. 
Hence, it plays a crucial role in projects built using BIMachine.
A few KPI examples are:
  • Time to market: corresponds to the launch time of a product, which begins with the idealization of the concept and ends when it is available for sale.
  • Lead time: the time between the initiation and completion of a production process.
  • Stock out: indicates how many times or how many days a given product in stock reaches zero balance.
  • Market share: the percent of total sales in an industry generated by a particular company.
  • Man hour productivity: number of units produced by each individual working in the company.
  • Idleness: % of time that a team, unit or machine is not producing.
  • Inventory turnover: consumption (outputs) / average inventory balance.
Based on your business, we can build the KPI that best fits your needs.
KPIs are objects just like analyses and maps, so you can add them to dashboards and schedule automated email sending. 
(In the example we see KPIs sharing the dashboard with an analysis…)

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