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What is Georeference?

When we create a map, it is necessary to have what we call a Georeference, which are coordinates, latitude and longitude. With this information it is possible to pinpoint the exact location on a map. In order to have this information in BIMachine, we need to create a structure to be able to generate maps. This structure must define the Type of Dimension, the Georeference.

Creating a georeferenced query

We can perform the query in 3 ways: By Address, just by Zip Code, or by Latitude and Longitude.
To create the query through the address, you need a field with the locations separated by commas, if you do not have any of these locations, we cannot guarantee the accuracy on the map.
Ex.: "Country", "State", "City", "Neighborhood", "Street" , "Number", "ZIP" (ZIP code being optional)
Note: We ask for all of these, as if any of this information is missing the point may be further away than you want.
Ex.: if you don’t have a country and a neighborhood or city, the point can be placed in another country.
If it is not located with these required parameters, we must use Latitude and Longitude
Ex.: "-29,4644694,-51.9673071"
Furthermore, we can create queries through the zip code of the desired location. Just add a field that only has the ZIP code in the format "94102"
NOTE: Only Brazilian zip codes work.
When you finish creating/editing the structure with Georeference, BIMachine will perform two loads: data load and Georeference load.
To find out if everything happened correctly and also to know how this coordinate is, click on the highlighted button below, where values like "-29.4644694,-51.9673071" should appear.
If there was something like "0.0" or "null,null" it is a sign that an error occurred in the loads, so check how you set up the location for the Georeference by accessing https://www.bing.com/mapsor https://www.google.com.br/maps.

If you find that there are no errors in the previous steps and the error persists, please contact BIMachine, our support team will be happy to help you.

Note: For the correct use of georeference points, the address registered in the structure must have the full name of the state to which it refers. For example: Instead of considering UF = RS, you should put the state’s full name: "rio grande do sul".

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