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Creating VTEX Structure

What’s VTEX?

VTEX is a Brazilian multinational that offers a unified trading platform focused on data centralization and market strategy. Used by over 2,500 companies in 28 countries.
With the BIMachine + VTEX integrator you will be able to extract the various data from your system with just a few clicks. The BIMachine platform is responsible for managing the entire VTEX data flow and delivering it in a more intuitive and visual way.
To integrate VTEX with BIMachine, you will first need to obtain your user access token.

Getting the token

  1. Access the VTEX administrative panel with the MASTER user account, without this permission it is not possible to proceed with the integration;
  2. From the admin side menu, click Account Management;
  3. Select the option Accounts;
  4. Choose the account you want to integrate with BIMachine;
  5. In the screen that opened, find Security and click Generate access key and secret;
  6. Enter a name to identify the integration;
  7. Click Generate new tokens;
  8. Copy the generated Token, let’s use it in sequence. For security reasons, it’s only displayed once. Keep it in a safe place.

Creating the integration in BIMachine

To create a VTEX integration, go to “Data and Integrations” under the “Manage Environment” icon.
When accessing the Data and Integrations environment, click on the “+” icon , and then Data Source.
A popup will open, look for VTEX integration.
You’ll be redirected to the new data structure creation screen, and you must inform the name that this new structure will have and its description. With name and description filled in, click next.
On the next screen, enter the information below:
  • accountName: is the first part of your VTEX administrative URL. For example if your URL is, the filled value is companyname;
  • environment: is the second part of the VTEX administrative URL. For example if your URL is, the value to be filled in is vtexcommercestable;
  • AppKey: corresponds to appKey generated in step (5)
  • AppToken: matches to the appToken generated in step app (5)
And select the type of integration you want to perform.


Our integration will bring all the data from VTEX, some of which are:
  • SKUs – IDs of all SKUs in the store.
  • Inventory – List your store’s stock.
  • Orders – Order data.
  • Orders Logistics Info – Order logistics information.
  • Orders Details – Order details.
  • Orders Itens – Order items.
  • Orders Shipping Data – Shipping data for orders.
  • Orders Marketing Data – Order marketing data.
A new analytical structure will be created within the BIMachine platform that will enable the visualization of VTEX data. If you are unsure about data standardization and adjustments, see the related article that explains the classification of structures.
If you have questions, you can access the VTEX documentation for more information. If you still need help, please contact us!

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