Before creating objects, we need information, and to have that information we need to created structures. These structures are created from a source. A source is the origin of the information that BIMachine extracts. Below are all types of possible structures in BIMachine.
- SQL: source from which it extracts the business management database of your company.
- Creating a SQL structure
- Updating SQL structure
- DW: search from another data source.
- Creating DW structure
- CSV: imports from a CSV file
- Creating or adjusting CSV structure
- Updating CSV structure
- CSV (Remote): imports from a CSV file brought from an FTP localization
- Creating CSV (Remote) structure
- Updating CSV (Remote) structure
- search from the system database. Want to know what it is? Click here.
- Creating structure
- Updating structure
- BIMachine: search from our structure, in which they are grouped into a single structure.
- Creating BIMachine structure
- Updating BIMachine structure
- Facebook: search from your account´s Facebook data.
- Creating Facebook structure
- Updating Facebook data
- Piperun: search from the Piperun system database. Want to know what it is? Click here.
- Creating Piperun structure
- Updating Piperun data
- PipeDrive: search from the Pipedrive system database. Want to know what it is? Click here.
- Creating Pipedrive structure
- Updating Pipedrive data
- TomTicket: search from the TomTicket system database. Want to know what it is? Click here.
- Creating TomTicket structure
- Updating TomTicket data
- Json: information passed through the HTTP protocol using APIs
- Creating Json structure
- Google Sheets: Google online spreadsheet
- Creating Google Sheets structure