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Adding images or links in Big Table

To create a big table with images or links, it is necessary to create a data structure. You can create this structure by accessing the option “Manage Environment”, and after that, “Data and Integrations”. In this article you can read more about creating data structures:

Below is an example of creating a big table with images and links using a Google Sheets data structure:

  • Create a data structure and insert the image links:
  • Set the type of the links column dimension to “Url”:
  • Open the columns tab in the side menu, and click on the urls column gear.
  • After clicking on the gear, select the “Image” option in the Field Type.
  • You have the option to style the images with border, change the size of the image, and also expand it on click.
  • It is also possible to visualize the clickable link of the image in the big table, for this it is necessary to change the Field Type to “Link”.

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