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Achievement of Goals

Analyzes goal achievement, by comparing the percentage of achievement of a certain metric against its goal.
This analysis aims at showing the goal achievement percentage, considering the data provided.
For instance:
It shows the TOP 10 SALESPEOPLE who had the highest goal achievement percentage based on the SALES QUOTA in the CURRENT YEAR, by using the PERÍODO (Filter), considering as a metric SALES.
<GoalMeasure>: Name of the metric that carries the goal to be achieved
<Measures>: Name of the metric that will be compared to the goal
<Dimension>:Name of the dimension that will segment the data
<Number>: Number that will limit the amount of segments based on the dimension (uses top performaners on the metric)
<DinamycDateFilter>: Filters the data based on the date recency
Table view:
Chart view:

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