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About the Data Restriction by User add-on

With the Data Restriction by User add-on you get even more control and data governance. With this feature you ensure that only the right people have access to specific data. You can define that your employees only have access to some data, while others have access to other data.
This functionality allows you to define access permissions for any data filter, whether the link is per user or per user group, all directly with the values that they can filter and view.


The add-ons in BIMachine are additional paid features, so you need to enable them to get started. Click on the icon as shown below and then choose the Per User Data Restriction extension to enable. Learn more by clicking here.


To start using the extension it is simple, you just need to go to a filter in the "Data and Integrations" and go to the user filters, then create the filter for the users or the user groups. Learn more by clicking here.

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