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About Publisher Full

With Publisher Full you can publish your analytical objects so that users can interact with filters, icons and graphics without having to use the BIMachine directly (in an embedded, for example).

Publisher Full works as follows:

  • Requests: a request refers to every published object with its respective filter.
    E.g.: A “Billing” dashboard with the filter “Region: South” = 1 request.
    The same “Billing” dashboard with the filter “Region: Southeast” = 1 request
    The following do not count as requests: changing the filter in the publication, redirecting the object via the icon in the publication and clicking on interactive graphics. These count as Interactions
  • Interactions: Interactions are all the clicks, filters and links made within the publication.
    E.g.: Change filter from “Region: South” to “Region: North” = 1 interaction
    Drill-down on an interactive graphic = 1 interaction

Publisher Full authentication works via token, see how to create an authentication token by clicking here.

Read more about:

Publishing an object

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