Logo Base de Conhecimento


In this version we have corrected the following tasks:

#7692Adjustment made to the buttons in the Accounts menu2.74.4
#7691Adjustment made to the Cost Center Cod fields in the Senior connector2.74.4
#7610Added option to view IGPM calculation by period in the Accounts menu2.74.4
#7675Adjustment made when assembling Omie-type structures2.74.4
#7270Correction made to tag addition pop-ups when creating new structures2.74.4
#7674Adjustment made to breadcrumb export2.74.4
#7667Adjustment made to the size of the images on the Big Table2.74.4
#7605Correction made to the configuration of numeric field type and link in the Big Table2.74.4
#7625Adjustments made to the folder structure2.74.4
#7633Adjustment made to the export of the map object2.74.4
#7635Adjustment made to the configuration of integers in the Big Table2.74.4
#7638Adjustment made to the decimal place setting in the Big Table2.74.4
#7597Adjustments made to the line break on export2.74.4

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