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Check out what’s new in this version:

BIM Gateway

Now you no longer have to worry about VPNs, firewalls, and the complications of your network access policy. BIM Gateway provides a direct and secure link between the BI platform and your infrastructure. With it you have a data extractor agent that operates in your local network, and only needs internet access to send your data to BIMachine, all encrypted, safe and secure. Learn more by clicking here.
The BIM Gateway is available from BIMachine Labs.


With this new feature it will become even easier and more dynamic to view your cockpits, especially when using interactive graphics. 
Now when you change the level of your interactive graphic, it will render only the objects that have reference to the graphic, instead of the whole screen. 
You can also give suggestions for improvements or report bugs of the new feature. Learn more by clicking here.
The Cockpit+ is available from BIMachine Labs.

Interactive Chart

With the new version of the interactive graphics, they will come out of beta and will be available to all users without having to be active on BIM Labs. You will be able to use them normally by interacting with other objects in your dashboard. Learn more by clicking here.
New option to change the color of dimensions in pie charts
New option to create folders in the project root
Improvement in the editing of analytical structures, not being able to edit by putting the name of one that already exists
New possibility to replicate cockpit order and be able to maintain as is in parent project
Adjustment in the customization of interactive chart on a dashboard when applying dynamic filtering on the graphics

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