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My analytical objects are taking a while to load

In this article we will discuss the delay in loading objects into dashboards, their main causes and solutions.
Loading objects in dashboards is directly related to the optimization of the source structure.

Main causes

Structure size

A low performance in structures can be caused by a large amount of lines of information, causing a greater delay for loading these data into analyses, graphs, and KPI’s. Therefore, the smaller the size of this structure, the better its performance will be, interfering directly in the loading of dashboards.

Quantity of Measures Calculated in the Structure

Another issue directly related to the performance of structures is the amount of Calculated Measures created on it. The larger the amount of calculations performed, the larger the size of this base and the processing used by it will grow significantly.
Aligned to this there are the dynamic calculated measures, which, because they use extra validations in their calculations, have a higher processing consumption in relation to the other measures created in the structure.

Number of objects in a dashboard

Besides the optimization of structures, a dashboard with a reasonable number of analyses, charts, and KPI’s also interferes with its loading. Therefore, the more objects added to a dashboard, the longer it will take to load.
The size of your indicators is also related to this issue. For example, an analysis with a large amount of information or with several calculations being performed will have its performance directly affected.

How to fix?

Use filters in your dashboards

If your dashboard is taking a long time to load, using filters can help significantly improve performance. By applying filters, the information displayed by the objects present decreases, thus consequently making the dashboard load more smoothly. See how to add filters to your dashboards by clicking here.

Separate large analyses into different dashboards

Another way to improve dashboard performance is to leave analyses that have a larger mass of data, or that have more complex calculations, on separate dashboards. You can then have this dashboard be directed to by an icon added to the original dashboard.

Use Data Recycling

For very old data that is not used to be automatically removed within a pre-set time range, there is the Data Recycling option. With this setting, which is enabled directly on the structures, it is possible to prevent information from accumulating in your databases over time.

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