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Tool menu – EN

Learn the functions of the buttons in the tool menu (located on the right side of the display panel).
 Permission: changes the access permission on the analysis, users who will be able to view and/or modify (only works after the analysis has been saved).
 Add analysis to a Dashboard: a shortcut to directly add to an existing Dashboard or a newly created one (will only work after the analysis has been saved).
 Save as: make minor changes to the KPI and save a copy, with another name and/or another folder (if you save it in another folder you don’t need to change the name of the KPI).
 Rename: you can rename the object and change its location.
 Properties: Modify the KPI (description, measures, layout, MDX, etc – same screen as for creating a KPI).
 Remove: delete this KPI.
 Versions: restores to previous versions of the KPI. 
 Printing options: export to PDF or print the analysis. 

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